I don't even know where to start....it has been so long since I have blogged last and so much has happened! I guess I will just pick up where the last post left off! After Easter Q and U got married at PCA! This was an extremely exciting event. The kids were all dressed up in their Sunday Best to witness the nuptials! Here are a couple of pictures....
Next came quite an incident. Lucas and his Daddy decided to play golf one afternoon and their plans kind of took a turn for the worse. The cart boy brought them their cart and Lucas loaded his golf bag and while his Dad was loading his, Lucas jumped into the cart and which starting rolling. Matt jumped in and since Lucas could not reach the peddle Matt reached over with his foot and pushed the brake which caused the cart to jerk a little while taking a turn down hill. Lucas fell right out on his back and hit his head. Matt took him to the ER of Baylor Frisco, because he thought Lucas was not acting normal. A CT Scan later Children's Hospital downtown was sending an ambulance to move him to their hospital. So now Lucas has a pretty good size skull fracture and we go back this Thursday for our next scan to make sure he is healing properly. If all goes well he gets his activity restrictions removed!! So if you think about it say a little prayer for him this week...we are praying for a clean scan! So here are some pictures of Lucas in the hospital at Children's....
So since Lucas has been on restricted activity which has meant no PE, recess, swimming lessons, T Ball and rough housing of any sort. We have gone bowling, watched a lot of movies, played "gently" in the back yard and oh yeah lots of Wii!!! Here are a couple more pictures.....
I promise this post will wrap up soon!
And then there was Mother's Day which was very nice. I forgot to take any pictures but we had a great weekend. And then there was Lucas' last field trip for the school year. They went to the park for the day and had an All American Picnic of Hot Dogs, chips, Water, and a cookie! And of course lots of fun! Now I know Lucas was not exactly supposed to be playing at the park with the cracked skull and all but I could not stand to let him miss out on his last field trip with his friends! And he is showing no signs of any further damage... so here are the pictures from the field trip....
And just for fun here are some pictures of GC (Georgia Claire) playing at Chick fil A....
And last but not least here is a shout out to Daddy who is fly fishing in Wyoming today...he will be there for work until Friday so we miss him a whole lot! Get back soon and catch some fish or at least come up with some good stories to tell!
So I hope this has not been entirely boring but now you are all caught up with the Harringtons!